5 day BEETOX | a whole food reset




Prepare your mind & body for summer with health & happiness!

Looking to reset your healthy habits?
If you’re in need of support around improving your diet and routine, you’ve come to the right place!
Here at Busy Bee we are ALL about balance, and it’s what you do MOST of the time that moves the mark on your health.
We also believe by nourishing your body with fiber-rich, nutrient-dense foods and making adjustments to your lifestyle, your health can improve dramatically! 

Take the guesswork out of healthy eating and have freshly prepared, plant-based meals delivered to your door.
Our Beetox program is a food-based ‘cleanse’ and a supportive experience that is designed to support you through a week of nourishment, self-care, accountability and the opportunity for YOU to do something to support your health.

Our Beetox is a food-based cleanse program with seasonal health-supportive ingredients, and holistic health coaching to keep you on track, and is designed to help you:

  • Feel empowered and connect positively around all food
  • Reboot your digestion + aids in liver health 
  • Eliminate bloating
  • Eliminate fatigue and brain fog
  • Increase your energy
  • Relieve stress
  • Empower you to take charge of your health & actionable steps to feel your best in your body
  • Nourish your body with fiber-rich, plant-forward meals!

We provide a structured plan of nutrient-rich, plant-forward meals, and daily guidance and accountability to keep you feeling supported every step of the way. Your Beetox will come with full instructions, including a recommended daily schedule to follow that includes healthy lifestyle modifications to support yourself during this cleanse. You will also receive daily emails with additional education, guidance and support for maintaining your healthy habits post-Beetox. 

This 5 day program is plant-based and includes:

  • Four days of meals and snacks with 1 “FLEX DAY:
    (4) Breakfasts
    (4) Lunches
    (4) Dinners
    (2) Snacks per day

All meals are fully prepared and gluten-free and vegetarian* 

*contains yogurt & pasture-raised eggs*

(If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, please let us know in the comment when placing your order and we are happy to accommodate).

  • Personalized Coaching Accountability + Support: To fully support you during this program, you’ll receive a personalized health coaching session to help you stay on track, have full accountability, and create a personalized action plan for your success during and after your Beetox. You’ll also receive daily email guidance with lifestyle tips and tricks to enhance your detox week, and have access to a private WhatsApp group to connect with the Busy Bee team and your fellow Beetoxers.  

Hungry? Hangry? No problem!
You’ll have the opportunity to customize the portion size of your Beetox program to meet your nutritional needs.

Hungry portion = 1200-1600 calories
HANGRY PORTION= 1400-1800 calories 

*HANGRY portions are recommended for active bees (those who have a regular workout routine in place), nursing mamas and generally our male Beetox participants.
If you have questions about which portion size is right for your unique needs, please contact Coach Jamie: info@busybeeorganics.com.



 Monday, May 20th 5-8pm: 4 days of meals + snacks (Local Delivery)

Tuesday May 21st 10am-1pm: 4 days of meals + snacks (Out of town Delivery)

Meals will either be delivered directly to your door or be available for pick-up

at our store front in the Heights!


Because this program is intended to detox and gently cleanse your body, this is a calorie-restricted program with smaller portion sizes.
This program is most effective when paired with gentle exercise such as yoga, walking or stretching.
This is not intended to support rigorous physical activity and should be done when you have ample time to rest. 

*If you are breastfeeding or engaging in moderate to intense activity during your Beetox week, we recommend you consult with the Busy Bee team in advance so we can provide guidance for how to supplement your meals in this program to provide you with enough nourishment to support your own personal needs.

If you have any questions or concerns before signing up for the program, please do not hesitate to reach out to us by emailing: 

Coach Jamie: info@busybeeorganics.com  | Chef Michelle: michelle@busybeeorganics.com

“The Beetox program is so great! I wanted to reset my diet and find better ways to embrace a healthier lifestyle and I found this program to be so helpful and supportive. It really offers more sustainable and satisfying solutions than any other program I’ve tried. Lost 5lbs, felt more energetic after a couple days, felt more confident about choosing healthier choices. Thanks so much to Busy Bee for helping take care of myself!”

“The Beetox was delicious and eye opening! I never knew eating only plant based foods for 7 days could be so satisfying and provide such variety! Michelle is a genius chef! Having support and activities throughout the week made it easy and fun to do. I felt my sugar cravings diminish and my portion sizes reduced! I want to do it again!” 
– Allison 
“Overall, I lost 5 lbs and was thrilled! I just lost 1 more, since ending the program. Almost immediately I fell into the rhythm of the schedule, and adapted quickly to the portions. My brain fog subsided rather quickly, and by the end of the week, my energy levels were coming back. The coaching motivated me to do a 30 minute walk each morning. And now I’m back to working out, and getting back into a more positive routine. I haven’t relapsed into my old habits of sugar. I slept incredibly well, and strangely, remembered the experience of dreaming. I usually don’t. Enrolling in the Beetox was the best thing I could have done for myself. It got me out of my rut and back into healthy eating. The food was amazing and incredibly satisfying! And I loved the accountability and support given throughout the week. By the end of the Day 7, my brain fog was gone, I had lost 5 pounds, and was back to eating healthy portions without the dependence on sugar. I highly recommend the Beetox!”
– Paula
“I definitely saw that I lost a few pounds and was less bloated. My energy levels were up and I found myself less hungry in between meals. It helped remind me that snacking is OK and that leads to smaller lunch/dinner portions because I am just so hungry from not snacking. I love doing a Beetox!!! While I eat this way regularly – I always find its good to do a reset now and then. It helps bring me back to why I eat the way I do. Michelle, Jamie and Leah are all so caring, helpful and provide the perfect amount of guidance along the way.”
– Aly  
“I was so excited to try this Beetox. And around day three I was not feeling great at all and I was hungry and headachy. But after having my consultation with Leah, she explained this was exactly how I was supposed to feel and that this was the detox! By day five when my stomach felt so cleansed and light and flat I was really seeing the importance of bye bye bread and dairy. It had to go for me. I have stuck with the idea of plant based and clean and I have learned it all from this program. I’m so happy and feel so much smarter about my body digestion and good healthy food.”
“I loved the coaching session with Jamie, and other things offered. I did the Beetox to restart my digestive system and going forward approach meals a bit differently. It was a nice exercise in mindful eating and looking at what truly nourishes our body. It’s also a nice break to give yourself to detach from the obtaining,preparing and cleaning up of food. I would definitely recommend it! My tips are- journal what comes up for you! And try to do it with your partner.” 
– Lydia
“The Beetox was a beautiful way to reset my body and realign my systems after the craziness of Covid-19, quarantine and a big ole life shift. The food was so beautiful, creative and tasty. It was such a pleasure to open each container and savor the flavors and nourishment in each bite. The session with Leah was a wonderful way to stay accountable! Her session was impactful and insightful. I had a challenging time and struggled with dizziness and she checked in on me and helped me feel supported. The yoga class was also so fun. Thank you Beetox! x “
– Amanda 
“Just outstanding! You will not believe how good you will feel in just 6 days! You don’t just get food, you get mind, body and soul support the entire time. Thank you, Michelle & Jamie, for putting together such a great program. I also love that you added the “secret” bonus! This program is a must do if you are looking to cleanse and reset yourself holistically.”
– Alia 

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hungry, HANGRY




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