Jamie Forward Mazza
Tell me more about yourself: I am a Holistic Health Coach who specializes in Women’s Health and Mental health, and I love educating my patients not just about physical food, but about the whole body, mind and spirit, and how to take a holistic approach to obtaining better health. AND I love to make it fun, and approachable, because if it’s not, is it going to be sustainable? Plus, I am a life-long dancer and believe in the power of movement to help heal. I’m honest, loyal and LOVE in-depth conversations J
My story and approach comes from a place of self-healing first. I struggled for YEARS with my mental health, with cyclical depression, anxiety and periods of insomnia that left me feeling pretty terrible. I always, however, turned to dancing as my creative outlet for self-expression and as a way to feel good in my body. I never believed that western medicine and pharmaceutical drugs were the answer for everyone, and decided to explore other ways of healing, and do the internal work to help myself overcome my inner critic.
I have a degree in Psychology, and have always been fascinated by the human brain and behavior, and have a life-long desire to help others. It wasn’t until I found IIN that my view on what it meant to be healthy was completely transformed. There, I learned over 100 different dietary theories, as well as how lifestyle and behavior can have a great impact on one’s health. I am a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and have since furthered my studies in Nicole Jardim’s Fix Your Period Apprenticeship, and Gabrielle Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Master Class Level I.
What is your favorite part about being part of the Busy Bee team? I love being connected to a team who has a greater mission to help others in our community feel healthier and happier in their bodies. I have been blessed to find Michelle when I moved back to Jersey City in 2016, and together her and I launched the first ever 21 Day Beetox, which has been an incredible program. I’ve had the opportunity to connect personally with so many of our Beetox clientele, and develop partnerships with other amazing wellness businesses in our community. I am forever grateful for Michelle and her team for believing in me!
What is your “healthy food point of view”? / Food philosophy when it comes to wellness? I believe in eating a plant-forward diet, but I am the first to tell you that mindful indulgences are necessary! I feel that the guilt and shame that goes along with eating “naughty” can often do more harm than just treating yourself once in a while. That being said, I do believe that while there is not a “one-size fits all” approach to dieting, EVERYONE can benefit from eating more plants, and I know that plants and herbs can have a tremendous healing effect on one’s health and vitality. I believe in choosing quality food (organic when you can, pasture-raised animal products, etc…) and that is why I LOVE the Busy Bee brand.
What’s your favorite Busy Bee meal? Safe to say everyone knows how much I love Buffins J I also love the Green Goddess Salad, and ANYTHING with sweet potato that comes out of our kitchen. There really hasn’t been a single meal I haven’t loved…
Anything else you’d like to share? I am a huge proponent of self-development, I have an incredibly loving and supportive husband, family and friends that I am so grateful for.
If you are here and reading this- come say hello! @jamiefwd I love creating community and helping to build the Busy Bee name in any way that makes sense J
When you’re not in the Busy Bee Kitchen, how do you like to spend your free time? I am actually one of the few team members who doesn’t have the experience of cooking in the kitchen, BUT when I am not working with Busy Bee, I am working in my own practice, and currently have a corporate job in NYC. When I’m not doing any of those things, I am spending time with my husband, family and friends. AND/OR dancing 😉